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Prevailing over Doubt

Matthew 11:1-6 Pastor Russ Spikes
Prevailing over Doubt
The New Life
The Call of Christ
The Light and The Glory
Are You Faithful?
Rahab’s Faith
Light Over the Darkness
The Prophetic King
The Past and the Prize
The Chosen One (Christmas 2023)
Grace and Giving Thanks
Feasting on Christ (Harvest Outdoor Service Spring 2023)
The Mother of Jesus
The Hope of the Resurrection (Easter 2023)
“The Cross of Christ” (Good Friday 2023)
Why Did Jesus Come? (Palm Sunday 2023)
Sovereignty of God
The Self-Righteous and the Humble
Romance in the Wilderness
Seek Wait Trust
The Noble Mother
Not Afraid
Hope in our Hurt
Idolatry of Comparison
The Heart of Worship
Connected to the Body
Keeping the Sabbath
Father’s Day Service
Privilege, Poverty, and Powerlessness
Black and White
Being Prepared in Uncertainty
Disappointed in Yourself
Giving Up
A Mother’s Love
Remember Mercy
Waiting Eagerly
The King Over Crisis
Hoping in Heaven
Mission of the Church
Transformative Community
Authority That Matters
Affliction in the Life of the Believer
Crippling Kindness
The Promise of God’s Plan
Peace of Christ
Joy Secured
Abundant Love
The Wrong Jesus
Thirsting for God
Is God With Us?
David and Thought Life
Passing on the Legacy of God Can
Overcoming the Idol of “I Can’t”
Overcoming the Idol of I Can
Who Longs For and Rejoices in Jars of Clay
Hope in the Living Hope
Humble King
The Beautiful Broken Body of Christ
Giving Thanks to the Lord
Coming Home
The Good News Not Fake News
Looking Ahead
Christmas Love
The Soldier, Athlete, and Farmer as Examples for the Christian Life
Enduring To the End
God is a Revealing God
Rebekah’s Curse
New Life Evaluation
Hope That Never Disappoints